- Nationalism favors the creation of independent and autonomous (self-ruling) states.
- Greece
- Had been occupied by the Turks.
- Rise for Greek independence is a nationalist movement of 19th century.
- Western writers, including the English poets Percy Shelly and Lord Byron, supported the Greek cause.
- Relations between Turkey and the West had never been good.
- In Ancient times, Turkey had been apart of the Persian Empire. Had attacked places in Europe during this time.
- 1827 - England, France, Russia signed the Treaty of London.
- Says that they're going to take the side of Greek independence.
- Important because Austria had problems with Russia getting involved with Greece. Russia and Greece both had the Orthodox Church, which connected them. Former Holy Roman Empire Principalities to the north and east of Austria were very weak. Russia starts occupying those old principalities to protect Greece. This upsets Britain and France. Treaty was supposed to be about Greece becoming independent, not Russia expanding.
- Greeks become independent in 1832 at the cost of Russia expanding.
- Russia also remained an absolute monarchy under the rule of the czars.
- Belgium becomes its own country.
- Originally they take Louis Philip as their king (Louis Philip is the king of France).
- Louis gives that throne to his brother, making Belgium its own country.
- Southern Netherlands had recently been unified with the north.
- The process of unification meant that new nations had to be created, therefore nationalism.
- Germany had been completely fractured.
- It was not really a nation, but a collection of principalities.
- With the turn of the century in the 1800s the German people feel like they have been left out.
- Herder and Fichte have an idea of the volkgeist, the spirit of the common people, which unifies them as one.
- They don't want outside interference in Germany. They don't want Germany to become cosmopolitan. They want Germany to develop a sense of its own independent customs and traditions separate from the rest of Europe.
- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
- Born in 1770 and lived until 1831.
- Was interested in the way history happens.
- Proposes the Dialectic system
- Idea is that history does not neatly progress from one thing to the next. Every thing that happens is influenced by other things.
- Thesis and antithesis. When they meet, they form synthesis. That new synthesis forms a new thesis. Combines with another antithesis and forms another synthesis. This keeps repeating.
- This is the Hegelian Philosophy of History
- The structural model that Karl Marx uses in describing history in the industrial age.
- Marx will prove to be extremely influential as a counter to capitalism.
- Strong middle class = strong country
- Marx is going to say that the way the power structure exists right now is that the person with the power is the one who is in charge. ex. factory owner. In the Communist Manifesto, Marx says that you can change this system. Says that the people in the factory can united and rise up against the factory owner and run the factory themselves. This is the Communist ideal.
- Marx is going to use the Hegelian Dialectic to prove his point and foster a major revolution that will create a new kind of political reality, one in which there are capitalistic nations of the west (United States, England, France) and on the other side Communist nations (Soviet Union, Vietnam, China).
- Von Ranke and List both argued that Germany had not fully developed into a nation-state and that it needed to.
- Said that Germany needed economy systems like the one in England: laissez-faire.
- Laissez-faire - little government regulation of the economy. including restrictive regulations, taxes, tariffs and enforced monopolies.
- In order for things to be produced cheaply and not regulate the market, wages had to be lowered.
- Animal Farm by George Orwell
- book about animals on a farm and the animals get to run the farm on their own.
- Written as an allegory of the rise of Communism.
- 1848 - France revolts against Louis Philip.
- News travels faster because of newspapers
- The Times of London
- Newspapers with steam-powered printing presses that can get news out daily.
- Germany is greatly threatened by riots in the streets of Berlin inspired by the revolt in France.
- Germany was revolting against the king
- King William agrees for a new German constitution.
- Frankfurt Assembly debated over whether or not Germany should formalize as a nation.
- All of the powers that controlled the principalities under old aristocratic hierarchy's did not want to give up their power.
- There were two large German states: Prussia and Austria
- States had people that were ethnically Germanic.
- Neither Austria or Prussia wanted the other to dominate the minor states.
- Also political groups.
- Junkers
- sort of Prussian nationalists.
- Thought Prussia was better off without Germany and Austria.
- Views were at odds with the people at the Frankfurt Assembly.
- The Prussians do not think they need the rest of Germany either.
- had a popularly elected parliament and productive economy.
- Prussians decide to have their own assembly called the Berlin Assembly.
- This is like a convention and was made in resolve of the Frankfurt Assembly.
- This assembly turns out to be politically anti-Junker.
- They think that they could work with German unification and they feel that they have responsibilities towards Poland.
- Era of industrialization and international trade.
- To keep this going farmland is needed. Poland has some of the best agricultural lands in Europe. Russia did not because of their harsh climate.
- Poland also had ports. They had the ability to have international trade.
- German ports were limited and Russian ports were very limited.
- How do you define Germany?
- We tend to look back and think of it as the country of Germany.
- Germany was not unified though. Was made up of separate principalities.
- Assembly offers King William a constitutional monarchy and he does not accept it. Germany does not explode into a revolution. Becomes this holding pattern.
- The industrialization of the country is booming, while the politics are confused.
- Italy
- Northern Italy wound up being controlled by Austria after the Napoleonic Wars.
- Austrian police and spies were in Italian principalities that it did not have full control over.
- There were nationalist movements wanted to expel Austrians and French.
- Most famous was the Carbonari.
- The leader was Joseph Mazzini.
- He started a group called Young Italy.
- In northern and central Italy in 1831, there was violence, but no unity.
- Young Italy tried to start a movement toward Italian unity. These attempts failed and Mazzini was forced into exile.
- 1834-1836 and 1844 - Mazzini tried to revolt, but these attempts ended in futility.
- 1848 and 1849
- Austria
- directly influenced by what's going on in France with the revolution against Louis Philip.
- Austria is fundamentally an oligarchy
- one family controls the political and governmental running of the country. This is the Habsburgs.
- Some people are against the Habsburgs.
- 1848 - Louis Kossuth is one of these people. He makes a speech about liberty that inspires workers and students to revolt.
- Metternich resigns and flees to England.
- the Hungarian Diet declared independence from Austria, but they still accept and support the Habsburg king.
- Split because the Germanic Austrians and non-Germanic Hungarians did not get along very well.
- Ethnic differences.
- Austrians used the Eastern part (Hungarian part) for the purposes of building up industrialization.
- Austria now sees that in Bohemia there can be a similar thing that happened in Hungary, which they don't want.
- They allow Bohemia to have partial independence with the exception being that they had to be loyal to the king.
- Prague
- There is an All-Slav Conference in Prague in June 1848.
- These Slavic groups at the conference were anti-German. The Slavs wanted equal recognition with other nationalities.
- The Germans in Bohemia favored the Frankfurt Assembly.
- Slavs resented the Germans in Bohemia and the idea of unification with Germany.
- Within Bohemia (Czech Republic, Bosnia, Serbia) there are more Slavs than Ethnic Germans.
- Because Austria is ethnically German, they give special treatment to the ethnic Germans in Bohemia, even though there are more Slavs in Bohemia.
- The Slavs revolt in 1848 after this congress in Prague against Austrians.
- King Ferdinand of Austria sends in troops and shuts down the Slavic congress ending the revolt.
- Moves into a holding pattern.
- The situation within the Austrian Empire and their relations with their client states was never resolved.
- This is the root cause of WWI.
- Over the next 30 years alliances develop.
- Hungary
- Magyars create a new capital -- Budapest.
- They attempt the "Magyarization" of Hungary.
- The problem is that the other ethnicities do not want to listen to what they have to say.
- Now their is a revolution within a revolution.
- 1st revolution is Hungarians breaking off from Austrian rule.
- 2nd is between Magyars and the Serbs/Croats.
- A party rises up out of Croat politics who go against the Magyars. King Ferdinand supports this Croat party.
- This revolt is led by Jellachich.
- This is an indirect way of Austria keeping a firm grip on Hungary because Hungary knows that they cannot fight against the Austrian army and win.
- The Magyars think that if they can keep the Croats at bay, then there is no way that the King of Austria is actually going to crush them.
- If the Austrian government tries to put down the Magyars, then the other ethnic minorities would most likely revolt. They believe that there is no way that will happen.
- the King gets the Russians to stop the Magyars for him.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Nationalism 1815-1848
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