Real Politik the political manifestation of what was considered Realism
- The Crimean War
- 1853-1856
- Seems to have small consequences, but there are actually much bigger problems to come out of it.
- First war to be covered by journalists.
- First war to involve female nurses
- Rise of the field of medicine.
- 1853 - Nicolas I, czar of Russia, moves troops into Romania.
- At the time Romania was split into 2 provinces
- Moves the troops in under the guise that he will be protecting Christians in the Holy Land.
- Western Europe is not happy about this. They don't want Russian influences coming down this far into trade routes with the East.
- The French convince the Turks to resist the Russian encroachment. The French don't like the Turks, but they are more scared of the Russian's gaining territory than of the Turks, so they encourage the Turks to go to war with the Russians, which they do.
- War breaks out between Turkey and Russia in 1853. Britain and France join with the Turks against Russia.
- Europe and Turkey are allied and Britain and France are allied.
- Russians force the battle onto the Crimean Peninsula
- In the battle, Britain blocked off the Black Sea from the Mediterranean, so that the Russians could not get supplies from Turkey.
- Czar of Russia died in
- Alexander takes over and there is a treaty between him (Russia), Turkey/Britain/France
- Russia agreed that it would not leave it's own established borders even under the pretense of security for Christians in southeastern Europe.
- the two provinces in Romania are made independent states. They unify into Romania
- Alexander was not allowed any longer to put ships on the Black Sea.
- Alexander is an absolute monarch.
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