Monday, October 25, 2010

1. Which of the following would be most successful in business today? And what kind of business would they run (Internet startup, chain store, international conglomerate, NGO, mafia)? Remirro da Orca (chapter 7), Oliverotto da Fermo (chapter 8) Cesare Borgia.

        Ramiro d'Orca was a "swift and cruel man." He brought peace to Romagna, but was executed after the duke that had promoted him decided that some of the people hated him because of the mean ways he had treated them before, so in order to make the people forget about any of his cruel acts and make them loyal to only him, he wanted to show that any cruelty that had been practiced had not come from him, but from d'Orca. Ramiro d'Orca would be a good assistant to a leader, such as a president or governor.  He was good at making peace, which would be helpful to a political leader that had to try to mediate between multiple sides, but he was not very good at surrounding himself with the right people.  He didn't watch his back, causing him to be falsely accused of acts of cruelty and executed.  He could not be trusted with an extremely high position, but as an assistant to a major political leader, there would be people working to protect him too.
       Olivertto worked under Borgia. He rose to power with the help of his uncle, Giovanni Fogliani. He wanted more though and he decided to try to seize Fermo for himself. He fought for the Florentines against Pisa, but was accused of treason by Florence. However, he was spared because the government of Fermo intervened. He then went into the service of Cesare Borgia. Then Olivertto wrote to his uncle, saying that he wished to come back and visit his home and city. He held a banquet for prominent people of his home, but during the dinner he started praising Cesare Borgia. As Machiavelli says:
"When the viands and all the other entertainments that are usual in such banquets were fiinished, Oliverotto artfully began certain grave discourses, speaking of the greatness of Pope Alexander and his son Cesare, and of their enterprises, to which discourse Giovanni and others answered; but he rose at once, saying that such matters ought to be discussed in a more private place, and he betook himself to a chamber, whither Giovanni and the rest of the citizens went in after him. No sooner were they seated than soldiers issued from secret places and slaughtered Giovanni and the rest." 

One year after the incident at the banquet Olivertto was strangled.  Olivertto would be a good mafia leader in today's world.  One of his main strengths was having groups of people listen to him, as can be seen from when his soldiers killed Giovanni and the rest of the citizens at the banquet.  He was good at commanding people.  They did what he wanted and respected his power over them.  He also would stop at nothing to get what he wanted.  These are traits of mafia men.  

      Cesare Borgia would be the most successful in modern day business.  Machiavelli says, "Cesare Borgia was considered cruel; notwithstanding, his cruelty reconciled the Romagna, unified it, and restored it to peace and loyalty."  Borgia was a good ruler.  He used a form of "tough love" to control the people.  In order to keep control the people had to fear him a bit, so that they would not dare to rise against him.  This method worked for him and helped him to stay in power.  Borgia would be the CEO of a huge company such as Comcast or Apple.  Borgia had been a leader of armies and people.  The business world can be very similar to the military world. Larger companies, many times take over and buy up smaller ones, just like larger countries do when they conquer new places through war.  Borgia would be good at "conquering" these new businesses in order to expand his empire.  He would also be good at keeping his company in order because he was a harsh leader so people would be afraid not to follow his directions.   His company would be almost unstoppable.  

Works Cited: 

Machiavelli, N. (1532). The Prince. Florence: Antonio Blado d'Asola. .

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