Friday, March 4, 2011


Explain how the Industrial Revolution influenced the rise of conservative and liberal philosophies and explain how those philosophies competed with or related to nationalism in Greece and Germany.

Industrial Revolution - increase in technology. factories. workers rights. 
Conservatism - wanted things to remain as they were, with minority of richest and powerful people having all the say in government. 
Liberalism - secular. wanted to represent all people and make equal rights for people. 

The Industrial Revolution created even more disparity between the upper class and peasantry because the rich became richer and the poor became poorer.  The poor underrepresented people wanted to have a say in the government because they were being mistreated and taken advantage of by the conservative governments  to have a say in government, and the rich to wealthy and powerful leaders to be in full control of the government

The increase in disparity between the liberal poor and mainly conservative rich during the Industrial Revolution caused a rise in the liberal philosophy of equality and independence, especially in Greece and Germany. 

The Industrial Revolution was a time of booming technology and growth.  New machinery, such as the spinning jenny and cotton gin were invented, causing the production of textiles to be more efficient.  Factories were then built, so that the production of items could be all in one pace and therefore more efficient.  Rich people owned factories and the poor worked and lived in them.  They had to work long hours and were barely paid anything because they relied on the factories to supply them with housing and food.  The rich factory owners were also the government leaders, who made laws to keep the poor in oppression, so that they themselves could continue to make more money.  This kind of treatment was going on throughout Europe, including countries like England, France, Russia, and Greece.  The poor grew tired of being oppressed, so they rose up against the government and caused change. In England elections were held, bringing more liberals into the government.  The liberals argued for workers rights and for universal suffrage.  

Greece had been occupied and oppressed by the Turks. In the 19th century, a nationalist movement arose there because the Greeks had grown tired of having to live under the Turks rule.  England, who was now more liberal, sided with the Greeks. England was allied with Russia and France.  All three came together, signing the Treaty of London, which said that they were going to take Greece's side against the Turks.  In 1832 the Greeks gained their independence from the Turks, thanks to the help of England, Russia, and France.  

Germany had been left out of the alliance between England, Russia, and France.  They felt that it was unfair for them to have no say in what was going on.  This common agreement brought the people together, creating a new German nation.  They decided that if they were not allowed to be apart of relations with the other countries, then they should be their own independent country.  

The Industrial Revolution created a rise in liberalism that spread to countries, such as Greece and Germany, causing resentment and also unity between the major countries in Europe. 

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