Sunday, September 12, 2010

English Views of the Scots and Scots' Views of Themselves

The sources tell us that the English looked down upon the Scots. They believed that the Scots should be under their rule because they were smarter, weatlthier, and more powerful than them.

The Scots believed that they had a right to independence. They wanted to rule themselves and they thought that they were capable of doing that. They felt sympathetic for themselves because they had been under the cruel rule of the English. For example, when speaking of why they should be set free in the Declaration of Arboath they say, "who live in this poor little Scotland, beyond which there is no dwelling-place at all, and covet nothing but our own."

The English didn't like the Scots because they thought they were cruel, savage, and inhumane. They had heard about the evil acts that Willam Wallace and Robert the Bruce commited.

The Scots didn't like the English because the English were trying to take over their land. They felt that they were civilized and able to run themselves well.

1 comment:

  1. Go for more specificity in your thesis statement. Demonstrate how and why.

    Who do you think was more accurate in their descriptions? English or Scottish? Why? How do you validate?
